Friday, September 13, 2013

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner

You know when you're so excited for something, and then someone goes and ruins it for you? You're immediately thrown into negative thinking and can't believe what's happening. Something like that happened just recently. Except now, I'm realizing just how much of a blessing it has turned out to be. This person may have tried to break me down, tried to kill my passion, but guess what? You can't break me down. You can try, you can most certainly make me question everything, but in the end, you're not going to be the one that wins. I may not have the same opportunity anymore, instead I have an even better one. So, thank you. Thank you for trying to hurt me and trying to bring me down. For trying to take away an exciting thing for me. Because in reality, you have actually given me an even better and much more exciting thing. And guess what? You're sitting in jail. Now who wins?

Monday, September 9, 2013


I thought I would do a little post about the bad sick days, and I how I get through them. Especially considering today is a bad sick day. I've spent all day throwing up and fighting a fever. I'm required to go to the ER anytime my fever reaches 100.4, and I've been 100.3 all day. As you all know I suffer from a few chronic illnesses. I am always in pain, but some days are worse than others. There are many days I'm unable to get off of the couch/recliner, or out of bed. Some days I have to crawl to the bathroom because I am so sick. In order to get through those kind of days, I require a lot three things; blankets, disney movies and stuffed animals. I know it sounds like a list that belongs to a five year old, but it's what really comforts me. I seem to have an obsession with soft/fluffy things. I have several blankets that I love, a really soft zebra one that I made, two Hannah Montana ones, a Tangled one, and a Disney Princess one. They're soft, comfortable, keep me warm, and brighten up the room. I always take a few of them with me when I have to go to the hospital for surgery/ER visit/in-patient stay. The next thing I love need is Disney movies. I love Disney and watching the movies help to slightly distract me from pain, and of course give me a few smiles/laughs. A few of my favorites are: Tangled (Of course!), Brave, Beauty & the Beast, Cinderella, Snow White, Bambi, Lilo & Stitch, Princess & the Frog and Despicable Me. These are also must-have things in the hospital. The final thing that gets me through the day are stuffed animals. I don't know what it is about little stuffed creatures, but they provide a sense of security to me. All of my pillow pets and stuffed animals have been bought for me by other people, and I treasure them more than you could imagine. I have a little piggy that I got before I was even born (I don't take him to the hospital in fear of losing him). I also have a few build-a-bears that I hug on all the time. My favorite is my Disney Princess build-a-bear. That one is a must-have for any hospital visit, no matter what. I also just recently got a zebra build-a-bear that my old boss sent me and it's SO fluffy and soft. I have a few other favorites like my Minnie Mouse pillow pet, dog pillow pet, pig pillow pet, the pig my Dad bought me after my first brain surgery and my bee pillow pet my best friend bought me. If I'm sick, you'll always see me hugging some kind of stuffed animal. Whenever I'm in the hospital I also make sure I have a few with me. Sick days, hospital stays, and surgeries certainly are no fun, but it makes it a little bit easier when you have something to comfort you. I'm curious, what are the things you need when you're having a sick day?

Right after one of the many brain surgeries. 
I've been looking for a stuffed animal from the movie Tangled for the longest time and haven't found any. If you know where I can find one, let me know!

Invisible Illness Awareness

September 9th-15th is considered Invisible Illness Awareness week. It's pretty important to me, as I suffer from quite a few invisible illnesses myself. Invisible Illnesses are hard to deal with because often times you don't look sick. If I had a penny for every time I heard "you don't look sick", I'd be richer than Oprah. I like smiling, smiling is my favorite, because of that it's hard to tell when I'm in pain, even though I'm in pain 24/7. My body fights against me constantly, on the inside, which is why it's hard to tell on the outside. The comments from people thinking I'm just lazy instead of sick hurt. I'm not trying to get disability because I'm too lazy to work, I'm trying because I'm unable to work. Because it takes everything my parents have to cover my medical expenses. Because I have bills as an adult that need paid. Because the 23 medicines I take daily cost money. Because my immune system is so low the slightest infection can turn serious in minutes, meaning I shouldn't be around too many people. It may be invisible to the eye, but look inside my body & it tells a whole different story. This video was made by a girl with an invisible illness and I think it speaks volumes. Kudos to Kelly!

When you see someone parking in a handicap spot who seems to walk fine, don't judge them. They have a handicap sign for a reason, because they are sick. Maybe they pass out at random times. Maybe their arthritis is extremely bad. You don't know the struggles other people face, and what their bodies do, so just remember that. Invisible Illnesses are just as serious as visible ones, so this week, reach out to someone with an invisible illness. Let them know you are there for them. Offer to do something for them. Give them a hug. Be a listening ear. It doesn't matter what you do, I promise they will appreciate it. Happy Invisible Illness Awareness Week!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Short Update:

I haven't been able to blog in a few days partly because I was annoyed with mean people, and partly because I've felt like a truck smashed me into many pieces. However, I was quickly reminded life doesn't stop for anybody. I just found out last week I'll be having another brain surgery on September 26th, since I hit double digits I've pretty much stopped numbering them. Between now and the 26th I have a tilt-table test, MRI, CT scan, pre-op testing, numerous doctor appointments, neuro-psych testing feedback, dental appointment, and multiple LPs scheduled. I'm sure I'm forgetting something. All these seem completely minor as I see little Princess Maggie fighting a fever in the hospital, as well as a few other girls up on the Oncology floor. Makes me sad to see them so sick and knowing there's nothing I can do. Hug your puppies, kids, plants, whatever means most to you, and be grateful you're breathing today.